BajaMed Group is a medical practice that has one central goal: safe and professional medical care at a fraction of the cost.
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How to Upload the MRI

1.Sign up to the Dropbox website. (

2. Click the Upload button at the top of the window.

3. A window will appear. Click the Choose File button and then select the file on your computer that you’d like to add to your Dropbox.

4. Choose every file that’s on the MRI disk (you may have to select the contents inside of every folder that’s in the disk individually) and then click the Start Upload button.

5. Once the documents have been uploaded click the Share button and type in the email of whom you wish to share the file with. In this case our MedicalDirector’s email:

You can also send the MRI via, be sure to select every file that’s on the MRI disk.

Another option would be sending it via mail, it may take a little bit longer though.