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Most Frequently Asked Questions… Breast Augmentation

March is Number 3! and on part 3 of this series we’ll be answering our 8 most frequently asked questions about Breast Augmentation

And if you have different questions not answered in this entry, our staff is ready to answer them! via e-mail, text or in any of our Social Media, also no one can answer your questions like a health professional, so feel free to ask for a free consultation with our medical Director

1.I don’t want to be too big. Can I choose the size?

At the consultation with our physician, you will be given the opportunity to speak with our professionals regarding implant size. Only you can pick the size you wish to have, as you have surely given this some thought. It is not possible to see how your breast will shape up as it depends on how your tissues stretch with the implants inside and we cannot do that before the surgery. Our surgical team can discuss a way in which you can have a general idea about implant sizes, in the comfort of your home.

2. My breasts are empty and droopy after breast-feeding. Can I have breast enlargement or do I need breast uplift?

It depends on how much droop you have and where your nipple level is. Generally if there is a lot of droop and you are satisfied with the size of your breasts, a lift will be more appropriate. However with a lift there is significant scarring. If the nipples are not very low but the breasts look a bit empty and a bit sad and droopy a breast implant can perk up the breast and improve the size. Although the nipple levels do not rise with the implants in the breast, the breasts will look fuller and give the appearance of looking less droopy. A breast enlargement has much less scarring than a breast lift and this is the preferred choice of most patients.

3. Can I have breast enlargement without scars on my breast?

Yes, the implant can be put in through an incision under the breast, or around the nipple. As far as doing the operation through the belly button, we do not believe this is a good or sensible technique and the results are less controllable. Therefore we do not use the belly button or arm pit approach.

4. One breast is smaller than the other. Do I have one or both done?

It depends on how much difference there is between the two breasts and whether you want to be bigger anyway. If one breast is really undeveloped and the other of a satisfactory size then enlarging the under developed breast would be the preferred option. Almost all patients are unequal in their breasts in some degree and if both breasts are smaller than desired then the logical thing is to consider enlarging both breasts. With a gel implant, the volume cannot be adjusted but often small differences in the breasts do not have to be made up by different size implants. These situations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

5. What can the doctor or I do to decrease the risk of hardening of the breast?

Hardening of the breast is the most frequent undesired result. Because the implants are foreign bodies, the body heals around it with a layer of scar tissue. If this scar tissue shrinks around the implant, this increases tension on the implant and it will make the implant feel hard. The implant itself does not change. Massaging techniques will help prevent this. Our physicians have a number of ways to minimize this and will explain this to you.

6. Can I breast feed after the operation?

Breast enlargement does not interfere with your ability to breastfeed as the implants are always placed behind the breast tissue and not into the breast tissue.

7. Do I have to change my implants after so many years?

Because implants are man made devices they do wear over the years. Eventually, given enough time, the covering of the implant may fail. Until such time, there is no need to change the implant. There is no ‘use by date” and you cross your bridges when you come to them.

8. How will I know when my implant has failed or leaked?

With a gel implant you may not notice any difference as cohesive gel is not absorbed by the body. Sometimes X rays or ultrasound can be helpful investigations. Gel implants will hardly encounter a situation like this one.