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Most Frequently Asked Questions… Rhinoplasty

On this month’s entry we are answering the seven most frequently asked questions about Rhinoplasty, and remember our staff is ready to answer any questions we have not answer here, via e-mail, text or in any of our Social Media

1.Will I be put under (i.e. general anesthesia)?

There is no reason to put a patient under general anesthesia for this type of procedure. We will typically use a deep sedation in combination with local anesthetic, in order to achieve anesthesia in the desired area. Prior to going into the OR, your anesthesiologist will give you a couple of medications that will reduce your anxiety levels and allow you to go into the surgery a lot more relaxed.

2. How many incisions will I have?

Our medical team will make 1-2 incisions in your nostrils. The incisions will NOT be visible.

3. What is the difference between a rhinoplasty and a septoplasty?

In short, a septoplasty is a “functional surgery” that ONLY addresses anatomic anomalies. In this case, the surgical team will fix a deviated septum, or one that has suffered an old injury. A rhinoplasty, is a surgery in which the surgical team will “correct” anatomic imperfections that bother the patient. This is a PURELY aesthetic surgery. The fixes can vary, from bridge, tip, or width remodeling.

4. Will I be able to go to work immediately after surgery?

We do NOT recommend you do so. Resting after any surgery is extremely important. Ask your doctor how long you should be resting after surgery.

5. How long do I have to wear the splint/cast?

This is EXTREMELY important. Our patients MUST not remove this splint based on their own judgment. We recommend leaving it on, for 5-8 days after surgery.

6. What happens if I start being active too soon?

A number of negative things may happen. You may create excessive inflammation that can alter the surgical results. In addition, you may also create undesired movement of the septum and nasal bone that can greatly alter the work that was done in the operating room. Finally, you can also cause bleeding in the area, which can cause a severe problem.

7. When can I expect to see my results in the mirror?

As in any plastic surgery, patience is of UTMOST importance. You will begin to see the final results, 8 to 12 months after surgery. It WILL take this long for your body to recover after surgery. Having said this, it is not advisable to try to judge your appearance in the mirror the first couple of weeks. This will only lead to self-doubt, worrisome thoughts, emotional breakdowns, and even mild depression.