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Most Frequently Asked Questions… VSG pt.2

The day has come, today our Most Frequently asked questions series comes to an end, the part 2 of VSG answers is here, so if we didn’t answer all of your doubts about this procedure on our last blog here’s some more!

Before we start with the answers, remember that if you have any questions about other procedures we have the answers for you in our blog! or you can always contact us and we’ll be happy to help, so now into VSG:

  • Will I have nausea?

There are people who are very sensitive to the anesthesia. These people tend to be a bit more nauseated than others. The manipulation of the stomach during surgery may also produce some nausea in some patients. The post-operative VSG patient that does present with nausea is around 15-20%. Nausea does subside in the next few hours post-op. All of our patients receive medications to prevent nausea in the recovery room.

  • Will this fix my heartburn?

It depends on the severity. Heartburn or acid reflux (GERD) is directly related to being overweight (there are other causes of GERD). Once you start losing those pounds you should notice that the heartburn starts to disappear. We give each patient who undergoes the VSG a treatment to reduce the acid production in the stomach, which also reduces the heartburn.

  • How easy is it to stretch out my new stomach?

Not easy at all. No such thing has been documented on 5-year studies.

  • What are the long-term results of the VSG?

Since it is a relatively new procedure, there are no long-term studies (10 years) yet. But studies have shown that the VSG has similar results to the Lap-Band or Roux en Y but without their complications at 5 years.

  • Can I drink alcohol?

Yes, but it is recommended that you do it with moderation. Alcohol has many calories and will not help on your progress with your weight loss. Alcohol effects will also be noticeable quicker with the VSG than other surgeries.

  • How much time should I take off of work?

After a bariatric procedure done through laparoscopy you will be able to do your regular activity once you get home. You will be able to drive in 3 to 4 days and return to work in 5 to 7 days. Some people who have desk-jobs return to work immediately. We restrict our patients on “heavy” weight lifting for 30 days.

  • What kind of staples do you use? Will they sound off the alarm if I cross the metal detector in an Airport?

We use titanium staples made by Covidien in the United States. We use these because they have 3 rows of staples. That gives the patient an added sense of security. We also CAN perform a mini placation in the staple line making leaks very difficult to result. Since these staples are made of high quality titanium, you will not set off any alarms.

  • How would I know if I had a leak?

We use titanium staples made by Covidien in the United States. We use these because they have 3 rows of staples. That gives the patient an added sense of security. We also CAN perform a mini placation in the staple line making leaks very difficult to result. Since these staples are made of high quality titanium, you will not set off any alarms.

  • What kind of follow-up do i need with my primary care doctor/lab tests?

We use titanium staples made by Covidien in the United States. We use these because they have 3 rows of staples. That gives the patient an added sense of security. We also CAN perform a mini placation in the staple line making leaks very difficult to result. Since these staples are made of high quality titanium, you will not set off any alarms.