Why Choose BajaMed?
We value your interest in our practice, and we decided that today we would number the reasons why you should choose BajaMed. 1.OUR PRACTICE HAS WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME We have been serving the medical needs of patients from all
Most Frequently Asked Questions… VSG pt.2
The day has come, today our Most Frequently asked questions series comes to an end, the part 2 of VSG answers is here, so if we didn’t answer all of your doubts about this procedure on our last blog here’s
Most Frequently Asked Questions… VSG pt.1
It feel like yesterday when we started this series and it’s already July! sadly we are at the finish line, this is our last theme, divided in two, here’s the thing… There was a lot of questions about getting a
Most Frequently Asked Questions… Ketamine
Is June! the year has gone by so fast and our mini blog series too, we are almost finished, but before we go here's everything you need to know about Ketamine! if you need to know the basics here's a link
Most Frequently Asked Questions… Rhinoplasty
On this month's entry we are answering the seven most frequently asked questions about Rhinoplasty, and remember our staff is ready to answer any questions we have not answer here, via e-mail, text or in any of our Social Media 1.Will